5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Entrepreneur Energy

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Summary: Are you looking for ways to recharge your entrepreneur energy?  If you are worried about burning out because you are giving your business everything you've got, let us show you how being a part of a strong entrepreneurial community can bring you more energy.

From the outside, entrepreneurs are living the dream. We get to set our own hours, create businesses from dreams, and choose our markets. But walk a mile in an entrepreneur’s shoes and you know it’s not so easy. Some days are fun and inspiring, loaded with vibrant energy and confidence.

Other days, let’s be honest, suck the life out of you.

Besides the outright challenge of running a profitable business, maintaining energy must take a high priority. Entrepreneurs are especially prone to fatigue and exhaustion because we’re carrying the load for success or failure on our backs.  On top of the energy needed to carry on and carry out all our tasks, we’re also often responsible for lifting up the team and setting a tone of positivity for employees and customers.

When you’re tired, worn out, burned out, and exhausted, your business suffers.

There are many reasons that we get into that state, but there are also a lot of things that we can do on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis to offset that. While it's perfectly normal, to feel weary some days, your personal and business health will become threatened if exhaustion is your general state of being. 

5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

Think of your business as a long-distance marathon, not a sprint.

You’re in this for the long haul. It’s time to develop skills and habits that shore up your entrepreneur energy battery.

Some people drain you and some people fill you up. #surroundyourselfwiththerightpeople#FivePowerfulQualitiesofPeopleThat RechargeYourEnergy#yourbizrules.com

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5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

How do entrepreneurs get more energy?

One of the healthiest habits you can use to spike your energy levels is to surround yourself with the right people.

You know those who nibble away at your happiness and productivity. You can always tell toxic people because it’s as if your gas tank is leaking fuel after spending just a few hours with them. They seem to take more than they give.

There's always someone somewhere in your life that challenges you in a negative way because their energy is at odds with your entrepreneurial journey. Mainly, they just don’t “get you” and it can get really exhausting, especially when it's in a day in and day out type of situation.

There’s a lot of talk about toxic people, and how you can just whisk them away from your life and move on.

Except sometimes you can't.

Sometimes these soul sucking business buzzkills are family members.

You've married them (for better or for worse), or you happen to be their daughter or sister. You LOVE them, and you can’t just cut them out of your life. Maybe you can cut them out of a day here and there, but in the big picture, you just have to make things work. That’s life.

You also know the people who boost your spirit and energy.

These people seem to expand what’s good and powerful. They bring light and clarity, laughter and fun. Maybe they listen and provide insightful comments or experiences you draw from.

Whatever it is about these positive people, pay close attention to the qualities that set them apart, and find more of them to hang out with!

“I get by with a little help from my friends.”

Collaborative and innovative communities are wonderful settings in which to mingle with just that type of person. This is why hosting these types of communities is so important to the work we do at Your Biz Rules

As an entrepreneur, you face some unique challenges because you juggle so many parts of life, trying to bring everything into some kind of manageable state. No wonder you find your entrepreneur energy low at times.

5 Ways to Power Up Your Entrepreneur Energy Levels

5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

1. Entrepreneurs offer differing opinions and provide a new point of view.

In our mastermind, bringing together business owners with different points of view is one of my main objectives. My intention is to bring together the right people; not just everybody, but the right people, into a small group situation where people have similar goals.

Although our businesses and backgrounds are quite diverse, we are trying to accomplish similar things. People who give you energy to recharge do so in a dynamic, give-and-take environment. They never expect full, or even equal control of ideas. A good community is diverse. You are exposed to a variety of opinions. People who fuel your passion are very often people who see the world from an interesting perspective.

5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

2. Entrepreneurs inspire you to share your energy and pay it forward. 

You know you’ve hit upon a great group of entrepreneurs when you feel like you can turn around and help another in return. One cool thing about a mastermind, especially one that has variety, is that you get to feed into other people. And for some people that’s their love language.

Like begets like. Once you experience that genuine aura of helpfulness, it’s almost impossible not to shine your best light in someone else’s direction. Wisdom and encouragement are contagious like that.

5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

3. Entrepreneurs challenge your actions and practices, but not your WHY. You don’t need to defend yourself all the time.  

Do you ever feel like you’re defending yourself a lot? You feel like you have to convince other people what and why you’re doing what you are. You feel a need to justify what you're doing, or explain your intentions.

A good community is one where you don't have to explain your brand of crazy. In order to be in business, you have got to be a little crazy. But if you don't have to explain this brand of crazy to somebody, it's actually really refreshing. 

People who energize you may ask hard questions. They may challenge you to analyze the path that gets you where you want to go. But they will rarely warn you against your instincts.

Stick with people who encourage you to pursue your wildest, craziest dreams.

5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

4. Entrepreneurs invite possibility, not excuses.

There comes a time in any entrepreneurial journey where maybe you're not succeeding as well as you want to succeed. You’re not growing fast, you’re not making as much money as you hoped, you’re unsatisfied with your work or your work-life situation.

This is exactly the weak point where excuses start pouring forth. People who drain energy will actually encourage your excuses. They will come alive at the opportunity to let you off the hook for whatever you perceive as failure because they don’t have a clue about what’s possible. This is the easy, attractive path.

But you know better than this. Energizing people will allow you a moment or two to breathe or cry or complain... but then they keep you honest.

They know you can do whatever you set your mind to, and they tell you so.

5 Powerful Qualities of People That Recharge Your Energy

5. Entrepreneurs allow a safe place for doubt and boost your confidence to handle problems with grace and competence.

Big questions come up for entrepreneurs. “Do I even know what I should be doing? Who am I?” All these thoughts start to build when you've been at it for a while.

Doubt happens to me more than I'd like. It’s natural to pay too much attention to seeds of doubt, wondering if you are capable of doing this. Maybe you find that you rarely feel encouraged by a real person. Tell me this: Do you feed yourself a steady diet of positive Instagram memes, in place of a good solid meal of encouragement?

Find business owners who speak truth directly to you and into your life and business. A hallmark of a good mastermind session is one where you leave feeling capable to go out and handle things well. You may not have all your worrisome details pinned down, but you will leave knowing that you have the skills and the support to move forward.

Every entrepreneur needs an environment filled with energizing, supportive people who share the journey.

The right entrepreneurs in your circle will help you achieve more than going it alone. These five qualities of people who recharge your entrepreneur energy will help you identify the type of individuals you need surrounding you to be successful. If burnout is something you’ve been struggling with, now is the time to make a change. Upleveling the quality of relationships in your life is a powerful way to do this. Which of these qualities resonated with you the most? How can you start making changes so that the majority of people in your life embody these positive characteristics?

If you are ready to create predictable profits to grow and scale without burnout and to get the support you need to succeed, let's chat.

Business Motivation Speaker

Leslie Hassler

Leslie Hassler is a dynamic author, speaker, and business strategist guiding businesses into more profits, cash flow, and success. Business owners come to Leslie seeking a way to strategically scale their businesses richly, stop the money leaks, and get back in control with confidence.

Using her more than 12 years of experience in business, finance, mindset, and more, Leslie takes multiple 6 and 7 figure businesses from cash-strapped and struggling to profitable and thriving with her unique Profitable Growth Incubator program.

Her genius has also been featured on stages around the United States, such as the National Association of Women Business Owners, the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council, and in publications such as Entrepreneur.com. 

Leslie is a mother of two high school boys, an avid traveler, a Past President of NAWBO DFW and an alumni of the Goldman Sachs 10K Small Business program.
